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Electromagnetic Induction Part 2

Rajjit Jan 21, 2023 8 mins read

TOPIC: Elctric Current and Power Plants + Notes

Domestic Electric Current
👉🏽 Current - AC (Alternating Current)
👉🏽 Frequency
👉🏽 Voltage - 220V
👉🏽 Combination - Parallel Combination
👉🏽 Main Lines
👉🏽 Types of wires

➡️ 5A main lines, which is used to operate light electric appliances. For example: bulb, electric fan, etc.
➡️ 15A power lines, which is used to operate high power electric appliances. For example: electric heater, etc.

⭐ Types of wires:
➡️ Live wire (Red Insulation)
➡️ Neutral wire (Black Insulation)
➡️ Earth wire (Green Insulation)

Common Domestic ELectric Circuit

domestic-circuit Figure: Domestic Circuit

⭐Two conditions under which a lage current flows through the circuit:
➡️ Short circuiting: It is an unwanted situation in the domestic circuit in which a large current beyoind permissible range flows through the circuit due to the direct contact of live wire and neutral wire.
➡️ Over loading: It is also an unwanted situation in the domestic circuit in which a large current beyond permissible range of high power electric apppliances are operated at he same time.

⭐ Similarity between overloading and shortcuiting:
In both the cases, a large current beyond permissible range flows through the current.

⭐ Precautions to avoid over-loading:
➡️ too many high power electric appliances should not be operated at a time
➡️ there should be mmany sections in the domestic circuit.

⭐ Two most important safety measre s in domestic circuit:
➡️ use of proper rating electric fuse
➡️ giving earth connection to high power electric appliances.

⭐ Most important safety device in domestic circuit is - Electric Fuse

ELECTRIC POWER PLANT: An installation where electricity is generated at large scale is known as electric power plant.
⭐ Common ELectric Power Plant:
➡️ Hydel (hydro electric) Power Plant
➡️ Thermal Power Plant
➡️ Nuclear Power Plant

Hydro electric power plants are associated with dams. So, high rise dams are constructed on the river to collect water in larger reservoirs. The water from the higher level is allowed to run down through a pipe. The potential energy in the stored water is changed into kinetic energy. This kinetic energy is used to move the turbine of the generator. Thus electricity is produced.

THERMAL POWER PLANT: In thermal power plant, water is boiled to produced steam by burning coal as fuel. The steam produced at high pressure is used to drive te turbine. Then the armature coil of the generator is rotated. Thus, electricity is produced in thermal power plant.

NUCLEAR POWER PLANT:In nuclear power plant, the energy released through nuclear reaction(fission) is used to produce steam by boiling water. The steam at high pressure is used to rotate the turbine of the electric generator. Thus, electricity is produced in nuclear power plants.

The man of science has learned to believe in justification, not by faith,
but by verification
- Thomas Huxley


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