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C++ Programming Part 5

Rajjit May 20th, 2023 5 mins read

TOPIC: Understanding Data Types, Reference Variables, Typecasting

C++ Data Types

  • In this blog, we will discuss about Built-in Data types such as integers, float, double, long double literals.
  • Integers: It includes the numerals which are not fractions.
    Example: int c = 45;
  • Float: It includes the numbers with decimals.
    Example: float d = 3.24;
  • Double: It is an extended form of float.
    Example: float d = 3.14F;
  • Long Double: It is an extended form of double.
    Example: long double e = 3.14L;
This is the code about Built-in Data Types

C++ Program - Integer

Code written in Visual Studio Code

// Program to illustrate the use of Built-in Data Types
// integer
// stay connnected with our blog
using namespace std;
int c = 45;
int main()
          int a, b, c;
          cout << "Enter the value of a: " << endl;
          cin >> a;
          cout << "Enter the value of b: " << endl;
          cin >> b;
          c = a + b;
          cout << "Th sum is: " << c << endl;
          cout << "The global c is: " << ::c;

          return 0;
Enter the value of a:
Enter the value of b:
The sum is 18
The global c is 45

To be noted:
'::' is known as the scope resolution operator. It is used to access a specific assigned value.

Code written in Visual Studio Code

C++ Program - float, double and long double literals

// Program to illustrate the use of Built-in Data Types
// float, double and long double literals
using namespace std;
int main()
          float d = 3.14F;
          long double e = 3.14L;
          cout << "The size of 3.14 is " << sizeof(3.14) << endl;
          cout << "The size of 3.14f is " << sizeof(3.14f) << endl;
          cout << "The size of 3.14F is " << sizeof(3.14F) << endl;
          cout << "The size of 3.14l is " << sizeof(3.14l) << endl;
          cout << "The size of 3.14L is " << sizeof(3.14L) << endl;
          cout << "The value of d is " << d << endl
                  << "The value of e is " << e;

          return 0;
The size of 3.14 is 8
The size of 3.14f is 4
The size of 3.14F is 4
The size of 3.14l is 12
The size of 3.14L is 12
The value of d is 3.14
The value of e is 3.14

Code written in Visual Studio Code

C++ Program - Reference Variables

  • Reference Variables are the variables which are used to access the values of other variables using reference.

// Program to illustrate the use of Reference Variables
using namespace std;
int main()
          float x = 7071;
          float &y = x;
          cout << x << endl;
          cout << y << endl; // we will get the same value as x

          return 0;

Code written in Visual Studio Code

C++ Program - Typecasting

  • We cannot perform operations among different data types. So in order to make it possible, we can use the typecasting method.
  • Here, a value with a data type can be changed to a different data type so that the operations can be performed without any errors. For example, we can change the integer data type to a float. By doing so, we can add or multiply or subtract two floats, in which one was an integer.
  • So, typecasting provides a way to perform different types of operations among different data types.
  • We can use (float)x or float(x) for typecasting into float. Similarly, we can use (int)x or int(x) for typecasting into integer.

// Program to illustrate the use of Typecasting
using namespace std;
int main()
          int a = 71;
          float b = 70.7;

          cout << "The value of a is " << (float)a << endl;
          cout << "The value of a is " << float(a) << endl;

          cout << "The value of b is " << (int)b << endl;
          cout << "The value of b is " << int(b) << endl;

          int c = int(b);

          cout << "The expression is " << a + b << endl;
          cout << "The expression is " << a + int(b) << endl;
          cout << "The expression is " << a + (int)b << endl;

          return 0;
The value of a is 71
The value of a is 71
The value of b is 70
The value of b is 70
The expression is 141.7
The expression is 141
The expression is 141

That's the end for this blog. More coming soon!

Coding: Where logic dances with creativity.
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