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C++ Programming Part 2

Rajjit Jan 6th, 2023 5 mins read

TOPIC: Insertion and Extraction Operators

In the second part of C++ Programming, we will discuss about the Insertion and Extraction Operators. They are used with the Input and the Output statements. These are the standard Input/Output statements which are linked with 'namespace std'.

They are written as '>> ' for inserting elements and ' << ' for extracting the elements. We use 'cin>>' for inserting and 'cout<< ' for extracting.

If we do not want to use 'namespace std', then we can use 'std:cin>>' for inserting and 'std:cout<< ' for extracting elements. But this method is not recommended as it consumes more time and it is not a good method to follow.

Let us take an example for adding two numbers and finding their sum. We will accept the first number using the 'cin>>' operator, then we will accept the second number again. By doing so, we will be able to print the output using the 'cout<< ' operator.

→ 'cin>>' is also known as the Input statement
→ 'cout<< ' is also known as the Output statement

Talk is cheap, Show me the code
- Linus Torvalds

This is the code for the above example

C++ Program to add two inputs

Code written in Visual Studio Code

// Program to add two inputs
using namespace std;
int main()
          int num1, num2;
          cout<< "Enter the value of num1\n"; // Output prompt
          cin>>num1; // Input prompt
          cout<<"\nEnter the value of num2\n";
          cout<<"\nThe sum is " << num1+num2;;
          return 0;
Enter the value of num1
Enter the value of num2
The sum is 14